Environmentally Friendly Fire Suppression
The condensed aerosol fire suppression technology came into prominence as a result of the 1994 Montreal Protocol. The international treaty banned ozone depleting substances, such as Halon and other halocarbon- and chlorofluorocarbon-based substances. Thus, our fire protection technology offers a sustainable future for humanity.
Physical & Environmental Properties:
Compact -strong solid
Non-pyrotechnic, DG Class 9
Certified Lifetime –15 years
Transforms into Aerosol with electrical or thermal energy through an Exothermic process.
Self-activation Temperature + 300 °C
Minimal footprint on the environment.

Conventional Fire Suppression System
- Fire Alarm & Extinguishing Panel
- 1st Stage Sounder (Bell)
- 2nd Stage Sounder / Beacon (Horn / Strobe)
- Gas Release Sign
- Panel Input Zone 1, Smoke Detector
- Panel Input Zone 2, Heat
- Detector (RoR)
- Disconnect (Extinguishant
- Disablement) Switch
- System Abort Switch
- Sequential Activator
- FirePro Condensed Aerosol
- Generators
- Emergency Power – Off System
- Manual Release Button
Addressable Fire Alarm System
Addressable Fire Alarm Panel
Smoke Detector
Heat Detector
Manual Call Points
Input / Output module
- Fire Hydrant
- Fire Sprinkler
- Fire Suppression (NOVEC)
- Aerosol Fire Suppression System
- Fire Water Deluge System
- High Pressure water MIST system
- Fire Pump Sets
- FIRE Extinguishing & Door Accessories
- Conventional Fire Alarm Systems
- Addressable Fire Alarm Systems
- Misc Detection Products (NOVEC, VESDA, ASPIRAS)
- Smoke Extraction System
- Staircase Pressurization System
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