What is VESDA?
The name VESDA is an abbreviation for Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus. VESDA is a laser-based smoke detector, which means it is a very good smoke detector. VESDA smoke detectors have been operating in specialist fire detection applications for over 20 years. VESDA is the most advanced aspirating smoke detection equipment in the fire industry. VESDA smoke detectors hold more certifications than any other aspirating smoke detectors in the world.
A VESDA detector is much like a vacuum cleaner. It sucks air from the protected environment via purpose built aspirating pipe and fittings and samples the quality of air passing through the VESDA detection laser chamber.

- Fire Hydrant
- Fire Sprinkler
- Fire Suppression (NOVEC)
- Aerosol Fire Suppression System
- Fire Water Deluge System
- High Pressure water MIST system
- Fire Pump Sets
- FIRE Extinguishing & Door Accessories
- Conventional Fire Alarm Systems
- Addressable Fire Alarm Systems
- Misc Detection Products (NOVEC, VESDA, ASPIRAS)
- Smoke Extraction System
- Staircase Pressurization System