The Detex

In the event of fire most of the deaths are caused by asphyxiating fumes. Statistics say, 70% to 80% of deaths occurs due to the inhalation of toxic gases. e.g., carbon monoxide and carbon-di-oxide. Statistics also say 75% of fires occur at night and average response time for firefighters is about to 18 minutes. But in practically, the country like Bangladesh it is obviously more than 18 minutes due to the huge traffic conditions and other reasons. However, here we come with a solution to avoid endangering your life during the event of fire. The Detex.
Detex is the world’s first ductless autonomous smoke detector and extractor. It automatically detects fire smoke, initiates its absorption at a rate of 192m3/h, filters the gases produced by the fire to 0.3 microns and purifies the ambient air:
A true technological innovation, this solution meets the smoke extraction objectives defined by the regulations:
- Fire Hydrant
- Fire Sprinkler
- Fire Suppression (NOVEC)
- Aerosol Fire Suppression System
- Fire Water Deluge System
- High Pressure water MIST system
- Fire Pump Sets
- FIRE Extinguishing & Door Accessories
- Conventional Fire Alarm Systems
- Addressable Fire Alarm Systems
- Misc Detection Products (NOVEC, VESDA, ASPIRAS)
- Smoke Extraction System
- Staircase Pressurization System